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Speech Therapy For Adults


Spot Therapy Hub’s speech pathologists support individuals and families at all developmental stages and ages. Besides caring for children with speech, language and wider communication difficulties, our Sydney-based Speech therapists are also trained to provide care for adults with communication difficulties. And Spot’s Speechies are trained in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and work with kids and adults to retrain breathing patterns.

Reasons an adult would need a speech therapist

  1. Swallowing difficulties

Have you or do you know someone who experiences swallowing difficulties? This could be as small as feeling like something is stuck in your throat after meals. For our neurodivergent populations, this could be quite debilitating as it might be a swallowing disorder (dysphagia), leading to aspiration pneumonia, dehydration, and malnutrition. A speech therapist can help by prescribing exercises that can help you strengthen your oral and pharyngeal muscles for safer swallowing habits.

  1. Stuttering

Having a stutter during adulthood can truly affect your ability to express yourself confidently in daily life. A speech therapist can support you with techniques and practice activities based on your everyday speech challenges, evaluate your speech-related anxiety and avoidance during your everyday talking. Ultimately, you will be empowered to plan strategies to control your stutter in the longer term.

  1. Aphasia

Many of our clients who had previously suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) accident, experience speech and language difficulties called Aphasia. These difficulties may relate to language comprehension and expression in areas such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. During these times, a speech therapist can implement specific programs to assist the client in regaining some of these communication skills, or strategies for communicating in alternative ways.

  1. Dysarthria

Dysarthria occurs when a brain injury has caused the muscles that produce speech to be weakened, damaged, or paralysed. As a result, there may be difficulties controlling the vocal cords or tongue, leading to slurred speech. A speech therapist can devise a treatment plan to strengthen your vocal cords, tongue muscles, and improve the overall clarity of your speech.

  1. Resonance disorder

Resonance refers to the voice quality that results from sound vibrations in the pharynx (throat), oral cavity (mouth) and nasal cavity (nose). In this area, a speech therapist can work alongside other professionals, such as the Ear, Nose & Therapist (ENT) specialist, to improve the articulation errors in your speech.

Sydney Speech Therapy for Adults

Spot’s team of speechies bring their experience and knowledge from various practice areas to ensure you can access the highest quality of care in an empathetic, understanding, and affirming environment. 

If you are looking for a Sydney Speech therapist for you or someone you care for, please reach out to our wonderful admin team at (02) 9326 6000 or spot.reception@gmail.com